In the Crimean universities 40% of applicants-2020 from the regions of Russia

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And about. rector of the Crimean Federal University. IN AND. Vernadsky, Andrei Falaleev admits that the admission campaign this year was unpredictable, as the USE date was postponed. Applicants were waiting, universities were also waiting. And some of the guys in this situation managed to enter three universities at once “on the budget”!

“If they simultaneously receive scholarships in three universities, they will harm the state,” Falaleev throws up his hands. – But on a commercial basis, no one forbids them to study in several institutions.

In the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, despite the force majeure, it was possible to carry out the entrance campaign normally. An additional set has now been announced. But at the Sevastopol State University, they are successfully testing a new type of admission – through the GOSUSLUGA portal.

“For Russian universities, this is a pilot project, so far only 54 institutions are involved, including us,” said Ivan Kusov, Vice-Rector for Strategic Communications of SevSU. – But the result is already there: this year, about 30% of all applications were submitted through the STATE SERVICES.

Among the most popular specialties in KFU, the first place and already traditionally is the general medicine. Jurisprudence has not lost its relevance, among the leaders and journalism. In KIPU, specialties are formed according to the needs of the republic. These are applied informatics, psychology, speech therapy, economics, engineering has improved.

“There is a catastrophic lack of engineers,” notes Chingiz Yakubov, rector of the KIPU. – We have a target set for the Fiolent and Zaliv factories.

At SevSU, there is high competition for admission to faculties in the humanities, as well as in the areas of pedagogy, polytechnic, information technology and architecture.

– For Sevastopol and Crimea, teachers are relevant. Now schools and kindergartens are being actively built, and in 5-10 years we will see a large shortage of teaching staff, – predicts Ivan Kusov.

This year there is an influx of people wishing to get a secondary vocational education. KFU has 7 colleges, the last two years in some of them the competition is 12 people per place.

Representatives of the leading Crimean universities note an increased interest in studying in Simferopol and Sevastopol among applicants from other regions of Russia – up to 40%. Our universities are also in demand among residents of near and far abroad. The admission of future students from India has not yet been completed at KFU – they only take the defining exams on September 19. Meanwhile, Indian students still live in KFU hostels, who have not been able to go home for the holidays. For already overcrowded dorms, this is a problem that still needs to be addressed. But for future foreign students they tried in every possible way to facilitate admission and study.

“For the first course, we did remote submission of documents, testing, developed the first semester in a distance format, despite the fact that the medical business does not imply remote learning,” says Falaleev. – There is a risk that they will not come to us until January. Now in the Russian Federation, a norm is being approved that will allow foreign students to come to the country, taking into account the 14-day quarantine. On the 10th day we do a covid test. At the KFU, at the beginning of the pandemic, a laboratory was opened where testing for coronavirus is carried out. Today we can do up to 1000 tests per day.

Representatives of universities dispelled the myth that the Crimean diploma is not quoted anywhere. First, it is a state diploma of the Russian Federation. Secondly, questions can arise only in foreign companies, although no one has yet encountered such difficulties.

– There was not a single case when the company did not accept the diploma of the Crimean university, – says Andrey Falaleev. – Sanctions are a horror story among politicians. Graduates did not face any problems in employment. We have 2.5 thousand foreign students, and we plan to increase this figure.

The main question that worries everyone is how will our students learn in the new epidemiological conditions?

– For a mixed form of education, – Ivan Kusov answers. – Most of the bachelors and full-time students spend the practical part in the usual format. But the decision was made to transfer the lectures to a remote form. We immediately transferred correspondence students to a remote location. All safety precautions are observed at the university: antiseptics, air disinfection, masks.

The situation is the same in Crimean universities. In KIPU, for the safety of teachers aged 65+, they will be transferred to a distance format. All entrances and exits from the building will be maximally open so as not to create a mass gathering. In the dormitory, students are measured every day, and so far there have been no cases of coronavirus infection.

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Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 37 of September 9, 2020

Newspaper headline:
Delayed start

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