In St. Petersburg, they began to actively buy mortgage apartments

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Bidding where apartments are sold for delays at prices below market prices are gaining popularity. Bidding no longer scares buyers the way they used to.

The reason for this courage lies in the high prices for primary real estate, which we observed in 2020-2021, was triggered by preferential mortgages at low rates: in fact, prices spurred demand. Apartments at market prices have become too expensive for people.

However, realtors note an increase in delinquency on mortgage payments in the northern capital. So, the general director of the “First Mortgage Agency” Maxim Yeltsov gives figures.

“The volume of mortgage debt in February of this year was 22% more than in February 2020 – 9.54 trillion rubles. At the same time, the share of delinquencies is 0.8%. In the northern capital, debt for the same period is 26% more than last year – 614 billion rubles, and the share of delinquencies remained at the same level – 0.5% “, – quotes an expert edition of “RBC”.

The increase in delays, naturally, leads to the fact that the apartments are put up for auction. And they, realtors say, are beginning to buy up – including, by the way, in a mortgage.