In St. Petersburg, due to intestinal infection, a whole school was sent to a remote location

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By admin

School 370 in the Moscow district of St. Petersburg suffered from the virus – but not from the “new corona”, but from the good old intestinal “norovirus”. Norovirus of the 2nd genotype was detected by PCR in 8 people among 98 school employees, the press service of the district administration reported. Prior to that, the parents of 50 schoolchildren complained to the school principal about unpleasant symptoms at once.

Pupils were sent to “remote control” on April 22, and this regime will last until April 30. In the meantime, inspections continue. The press service of the St. Petersburg department of Rospotrebnadzor has already confirmed that in 370 schools 25 people suffered from infection, including 14 students, while three children were hospitalized.

The trail of the virus leads, it seems, to the school cafeteria: the causative agent of norovirus infection was found in three employees of the company, which feeds schoolchildren with breakfasts and lunches.