In Mari El, while hunting, a man was killed after a police shot

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By admin

In the Gornomariysky region of Mari El, the circumstances of the death of a person while hunting are being investigated.

As told in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Mari El, on November 17, a 43-year-old police officer, who had a day off that day, went hunting in the forest in the Gornomariysky region. From where he was, he heard a noise in the bushes nearby. Deciding that there was a boar, he fired.

Approaching the bushes, the hunter saw a man wounded in the neck. He immediately called 112 and tried to help the wounded man. He died at the scene.

Now both the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the investigators of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Mari El are engaged in establishing the circumstances.

Recall recently MK in Mari El he told me what negligence on the hunt leads to.

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