In Karelia, a man fired on a neighbor’s car due to improper parking

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A 41-year-old local resident turned to the police department of the Belomorsk region, who said that an unknown vandal had damaged his car, the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

Operatives managed to identify the attacker. It turned out that the victim is building a house for himself, and arriving there he parks his car near the neighboring site. According to the future neighbor, the victim interferes with the passage to his site, because of this, a conflict often arose between men.

One day, the 61-year-old neighbor saw the abandoned car again, without thinking twice, took an air rifle from his house and fired several times at the car. It is worth saying that the damage exceeded 22 thousand rubles.

The man fully confessed to the crime and promised to reimburse the funds for the repair of the transport. A criminal case has now been initiated.

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