This year in Kalmykia 43 graduates of general education institutions received 100 points in the Unified State Exam, three of them in two subjects.
According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, today 1,779 young men and women, including 314 graduates of previous years, took unified state exams in the republic. Were organized 16 points for the USE on the basis of schools and 5 points at home for graduates with disabilities. About 500 public observers observed the examinations.
The most popular subject was the Russian language. It was taken by 1,525 graduates, 24 of whom received 100 points for their knowledge. A total of 43 people became 100-point scorers in various subjects. Three of them got the maximum marks in two subjects. These are Yalmn Goryaeva from Elista school No. 17, Enkira Vaskeeva from the Komsomol gymnasium and Dayana Dumkeeva from the Elista multidisciplinary gymnasium