Improvement of the park area continues in Kardymovo

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During a working trip to the Kardymovsky district, the head of the region assessed the interim results of the improvement of the park zone in the village of Kardymovo, which was carried out within the framework of the project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”.

According to the results of the rating vote, this particular public area in 2019 was chosen by a majority of votes for improvement.

In total, more than three million rubles were allocated for these purposes from the budgets of all levels.

According to the head of the district, Pavel Nikitenkov, the development of this territory began last year. Cobblestones were laid here, street lamps, benches and trash cans were installed. At the expense of the money saved as a result of the competitive procedures, eight cameras were connected to a video surveillance system with a connection to a single dispatch service in the district administration.

This year, within the framework of the regional project “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment”, a children’s playground with a rubber coating was arranged in the park zone. About 1.8 million rubles were allocated from the consolidated budget for these purposes. And from the local budget funds were allocated for the installation of 20 lanterns and additional video cameras.

In 2021, there are plans to continue work on the improvement of this public area. A sports ground will be equipped here. Based on the results of online voting on the issue of choosing a place for its placement, it was decided to place it on the site of the former dance floor, which is currently not in use.

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