Improvement continues in Smolensk villages

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By admin

The improvement of rural settlements continues in the Smolensk region. The implementation of socially significant projects is underway, financing of which is provided within the framework of the regional state program “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Smolensk region.”

According to the Department of Agriculture and Food, at present in the village of Glinka and in the village of Selezni, Velizhsky district, there are sites for the accumulation of solid municipal waste. In the village of Zaborye, Demidovsky district, a project for the construction of a children’s playground has been implemented: children’s play equipment (swings, carousels, a children’s play complex, a sandbox, play forms) has been installed. The territory was also fenced, benches and urns were installed.

Work is underway to restore and bring into the normative state the memorial sites of the Great Patriotic War. Projects have already been implemented in the Glinkovsky district: in the village of Novaya (the common grave of Soviet citizens who were tortured and executed by the Nazis in 1942), in the Vasilkovo tract (Bratsk military burial No. 2 during the Great Patriotic War). In the Sychevsky district in the village of Aristovo, the mass grave of 6499 Soviet soldiers who died in battles with the German invaders was put in order.

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