“I have the right”: Payment for tickets in public transport

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─ Hello, “MK-Compatriot”! Thanks for your newspaper.

I never thought that I would face discrimination in Germany, but the fact remains. My car is being repaired. I didn’t buy a pass because of two days of travel by public transport. I jumped on the bus, but there is no ticket office. The ticket must be bought from the driver. It costs 3.60 euros, and I have no change. I give the driver 20 euros, he answers me that he has no change. I explain to him that I have no small money. And he told me: either pay or get out. The grandmothers began to whisper, they say, there is money for clothes, but not for a ticket! It was a shame, really. How to be?

I got almost three euros. The girl alone gave me another euro. In a word, I paid for the ticket. But the question remained. What to do in such a situation? Can the driver just drop me off? I was ready to pay.

Mila S., Bergisch-Gladbach.

─ Dear Mila!

Getting on public transport, we conclude a contract of carriage by implicit actions. The transport company has the obligation to transport, the passenger – to pay the fare.

If there is no indication on the bus / tram that cash payment is not accepted and that entry is only allowed with valid tickets, then the bus driver is obliged to sell the ticket and, if necessary, give change with twenty euros.

You can’t get off the bus in such a situation.

Maxim BRITANOV, attorney.

Fachanwalt für Familienrecht, Fachanwalt für Migrationsrecht,

Lawyer the Bureau Factory Britanow & Dr. Hirsch

Tel .: +49 (0) 69 26 49 22420


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