“I hang in the” Stalker “and shoot on camera with 9x zoom”: youth hobbies of the Pechora pensioner

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“The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in heart”, – is sung in a famous Soviet song. But is there a universal recipe for active aging? Hardly. The Pechora pensioner Sergei Markelov, for example, gives the following formula: multiply “favorite work” by “public benefit” and add “excellent mood”.

By the way, about a month ago, the activity and initiative brought the pensioner to the All-Russian championship in computer all-around. In one of the nominations of this large-scale competition, Sergey Markelov managed to bypass more than 250 people from 68 regions of Russia and win silver!

But first things first. As part of the Silver Age project, MK in Pskov continues to prove that retirement is not the end of the world. “Let’s Have Tea” with Sergey Markelov.

Journalist with half a century of experience

In the context of the coronavirus, they decided to communicate with the pensioner remotely. The appointed hour, cheerful “Hello” in the telephone receiver. The voice of a middle-aged man. Not a pensioner. Is the number confused? No, everything is okay.

“I was born in 1949. But it seems to me that I’m only 40, ”the pensioner laughs.

Sergei Markelov spent his childhood in Pechory. He graduated from school with a silver medal, went to study at the Leningrad Higher Military-Political School of the Air Defense Forces. But everyday life in the army was not to their liking. Then, the interlocutor shares, he decided to change the field of activity. Received a liberal arts education in absentia and got a job at Pechorskaya Pravda.

Hereinafter, a photo from the personal archive of the hero of the publication. The pensioner dealt with the new equipment himself

“I came to the newspaper immediately after I left the military school. He started as a literary employee (at that time the positions in the editorial office were called), but he finished as an editor. He worked for over 50 years, – recalls Sergei Nikolaevich. – With pleasure I was engaged in the design of newspaper front pages, keeping everything that our readers are used to. We developed a newspaper headline, then a five-column page. Then eight people worked on the creation of the newspaper. “

After 2010, the interlocutor admits, it became harder to work. The editors were charged with economic affairs, leaving almost no time for journalistic work. Then Sergei Nikolaevich asked to be relieved of his editorial position and appointed head of the department. When Pechorskaya Pravda was reduced to three people, the experienced journalist decided to leave the media for good.

But even in retirement, there were so many interesting things and important assignments for a person whom, perhaps, all Pechory knew, that there was no time to get bored. It happened: photo exhibitions and photo walks, master classes and layout of books … In all matters, the computer has become the pensioner’s faithful assistant.

I mastered it myself

Sergei Nikolayevich “made friends” with a computer in 2002, while working as a journalist for a district newspaper.

“I realized already then that if I didn’t start working with a computer, then I would not be competitive. I bought the whole set at once – a printer, a scanner, the computer itself. I mastered everything that I know by self-study, ”the pensioner admits.

It was not without difficulties. Systematic basic knowledge was lacking. But the journalist did not abandon his goal. He mastered the programs, transferred the developed newspaper design to the computer format, and later “mastered” social networks and computer games.

Sergey Markelov began to master the computer in 2002

By the way, now not a single day is complete without the latter.

“I play a lot in order to save my brains. I chose games that are simple in form, but seriously stressful. These are “Scrabble” and “Crockword”. Well, if you want adventure without leaving your home, then I have several episodes of “Stalker”. I hang in it for many hours, ”Sergei Markelov confesses his love for the shooter.

By the way, the pensioner’s “computer skills” are willingly used by his friends. They write memoirs, and then ask Sergei Nikolaevich to help with the design of layouts for publishing houses.

I always take with me … a camera

Sergei Nikolaevich also has other hobbies. For example, collecting medicinal herbs and photographing. To shoot, the interlocutor shares, he began in the 70th year. I got carried away even more in retirement.

Sergey Markelov willingly shares his photos on social media

Now, during walks in nature and in the city, the camera is a faithful companion of a pensioner. Ninex zoom technique. Allows you to notice details and capture close-ups from the very back rows at events.

The wonders of 9x zoom are here!

“I photograph everything. I am one of those who are interested in the possibilities of artistic expression of photography. I have been compiling a photo chronicle since the last century. Once I won first place in the regional competition of photojournalists of the Pskov region, I also won prizes in all-Russian competitions. Now I exhibit a lot of photographs in Odnoklassniki. I have several albums there, ”Sergey Markelov invites to evaluate the photographs.

Sergey Markelov continues to study the basics of photography and now

By the way, before the coronavirus restrictions, the enthusiastic pensioner conducted several photography master classes for everyone in one of the Pechora libraries. In total, they were visited by several dozen people.

“If a person, leafing through a newspaper or magazine, does not stay on the picture for at least 15 seconds, this is a frank marriage,” the interlocutor assures.

“I shoot everything!” – exclaims the interlocutor

Therefore, he teaches the “young and green” how to interest and attract them to their work. There are many nuances – shutter speed, exposure, aperture, lighting. In details, the interlocutor admits, he still continues to understand himself. Again the computer helps in this.

Silver medalist

In July 2020, his love for technology “brought” the Pechora pensioner to the All-Russian championship in computer all-around. True, for the “ticket” there first had to fight at the regional level.

“I took second place at regional competitions and was offered to participate in the all-Russian stage. There was no competitive experience. I, unfortunately, “screwed up” one task out of those that I coped with effortlessly at the regional stage. So then I was annoyed with myself, I was ashamed, and even let the team down, – the pensioner laments. “I didn’t even look at the results, it was very uncomfortable.”

I learned about my “silver” in the Internet Safety nomination from my colleagues. They read about the success of Sergei Markelov in the newspaper.

“I didn’t even look at the results of the Championship, it was very uncomfortable”, – Pecheryanin shyly

“I have never had any preliminary training. I answered what I know. The tasks were useful – about how to suppress or suspect attempts to infiltrate personal credentials, as well as in matters related to money issues, “- recalls one of the blocks of tasks the pensioner.

As a result, not only Sergei Nikolaevich distinguished himself. The entire team of the Pskov region in the overall standings took second place in the Northwest.

Read about how the All-Russian championship for computer scientists of an elegant age was held and how the people of Pskov managed to conquer the country, read HERE.

The championship winners have not been awarded yet. Cyber ​​pensioners were promised to hold a solemn event in the fall, immediately after the lifting of coronavirus restrictions. Well, by this time, in the profile of our hero in Odnoklassniki, several new albums will probably appear, dedicated to the golden autumn in his hometown.

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