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Since our teenage years, nearly every one of us has dealt with at least one acne outburst in our lifetime. It’s painful, irritating, and can affect people of every age.
But, do you know why they occur on your skin? Is it possible to treat them? If so, what would it take to get rid of them? Let’s keep reading to find out more about it.
What is Acne?
Acne is a minor skin condition that usually occurs when your hair follicles get clogged with a lot of dead cells and oil. This, in turn, may lead to blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.
Each of them is equally irritating and can affect your natural beauty.
Acne can be treated by using the Louis Widmer skin care items and following a nutritious diet plan. However, the skin condition can be quite persistent. They heal a little slower than usual. And even if you find one of them to be going away, one more will pop up out of nowhere.
Depending on the severity of the condition, acne can scar the skin and cause emotional stress. Hence, the earlier you begin your treatment, the lower your risk of the aforesaid will be.
Causes of Acne
Unlike any other skin disease, acne doesn’t have a concrete or consistent point of cause. But it usually boils down to the below-mentioned factors that have a say in this aspect –
- Excessive sebum production (it can couple up with the dirt you have on your skin and get your skin pores clogged entirely, that might lead to an acne outburst).
- Inflammation (whether it’s internal or external, bodily inflammation might sometimes lead to the erection of acne).
- Bacteria (sometimes various bacteria can cause infection on your skin and cause acne production on your skin, it might be quite persistent too).
- Clogged hair follicles (it may be caused due to the accumulation of dead skin cells and oil on your skin, it’s the most common cause of the formation of pimples).
Acne appears typically on your forehead, face, chest, and shoulder, as these are the places where the sebum production tends to be the highest.
How Is It Treated?
The treatment of acne can vary depending on the severity of the ailment. In this section, we’ll talk a little more in this aspect and explain how it may help you out. Let’s get started, then.
1: Topical Medication
When it comes to treating acne, the first thing you’ll be provided is a retinoid-based medicine. These usually come in the form of a cream and should be applied three times a week.
Once your skin gets used to it, you may have to use it regularly as well. However, these might increase your sunlight sensitivity. So, it’s best not to go out in the sun after you’ve applied it.
If your acne is being caused by bacteria, your doctor may ask you to consume antibiotics too. It will work by killing bacteria on your skin and reducing associated inflammation.
2: Oral Medication
Isotretinotin, a specific vitamin A derivative, is given to people who have moderate to severe acne infestation. However, it might cause IBS if used for a prolonged period.
Oral antibiotics are also an excellent option in this aspect. Nonetheless, they might make you feel tired and exhausted if you usually don’t consume them.
3: Therapies
Light therapy, in essence, is the most common therapeutic solution that can help you get rid of the clogged follicles efficiently. This, in turn, can reduce the prominence of pimples too.
Drainage and extraction is another procedure that can remove the dirt of the acne without any kind of pain or irritation. It’s usually used when the topical medications aren’t working.
Finally, cystic and nodular lesions are usually treated with a steroid injection. In this case, the doctor will inject the drug into the acne to eradicate it from within.
Get Rid of Pimples Today!
Getting rid of pimples and acne as a whole isn’t easy. Even if you’re treating it, it might take quite a while for you to see any change. However, if you keep continuing the medication, it’ll surely get reduced pretty soon. In any case, if you’re considering taking a step in this aspect, it might be better to talk to a doctor. This way, you’ll get more clarity on your situation.