Governor of Kamchatka Krai decided to personally check the polluted beach

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The Governor of the Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov recorded a video message in which he said that he would personally inspect the polluted coast. The video appeared on his Instagram page on October 3.

“I made a decision that tomorrow (October 4 – Ed.) We will go from 7:30 am to inspect all the main points: Khalaktyrsky beach, then Lagernaya bay, then at 12:00 we will return to the beach so that everyone interested < ...> joined us to discuss the current situation on the spot, ”he said.

The Governor noted that the problem of coastal pollution persists despite efforts to prevent the discharge of sewage and water pollution from ships entering the bays.

“Now all the responsible services are studying this issue. Samples are analyzed daily, but so far the situation is contradictory, ”the governor said about the situation.

Specialists of the World Wildlife Fund proposed to organize operational monitoring of the situation with water pollution in the waters of the Khalaktyrsky beach in Kamchatka from space, Interfax informs.

Alexei Knizhnikov, head of the WWF-Russia program on environmental responsibility of business, said that based on the results of samples that showed an excess in phenols and oil products, the special services had several working versions about the sources of pollution, but due to “insufficient grounds” it is impossible to choose one of them.

In addition, the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian Policy and Environmental Management took control of the situation of animal deaths.

The mass death of marine animals found on the Khalaktyrsky beach in Kamchatka became known on October 3. According to the preliminary version, this was due to the chemical pollution of the water.

On September 29, Solodov announced a change in the color of the water on the Khalaktyrsky beach. According to local surfers, after contact with water, their eyes were swollen and skin irritated. The samples revealed an excess of the content of petroleum products by 3.6 times, phenol by two.

Regional authorities urged residents to refrain from contact with water, and the environmental prosecutor’s office began checking.

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