Governor Drozdenko offered Beglov to exchange palaces

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Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko proposed to the authorities of St. Petersburg to give the ownership of the Leningrad region Gatchina palace and park. Or, for example, exchange it for the Gorky Palace of Culture, which belongs to the Federation of Trade Unions of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Or, as a last resort, get at least the Priory Palace from the city next to the same park.

All these proposals, according to the media, Alexander Drozdenko broadcast to St. Petersburg through the chairman of the regional committee for culture. According to the governor, residents of Gatchina are dissatisfied with the restrictions: in the evenings, the passage through the huge park is closed, and during festivals and holidays, the entrance is paid at all (and the income, apparently, goes to the treasury of St. Petersburg).

According to the assurances of the media, the head of the Leningrad region is ready to “get” for the building of the Palace of Culture. Gorky at least the Priory Palace. This eighteenth century monument is also owned by St. Petersburg. Earlier, as Kommersant wrote, the Leningrad Region had already received a park around the Priory Palace, but the very unique building with “earthy” walls remained near the city.

It is also reported that ten years ago the Governor of the Leningrad Region Valery Serdyukov already proposed to transfer the Gatchina Palace and the park to the region (due to their obvious location on the territory of the region), but the “deal” did not take place.

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