Government asked to cancel auctions for unique medicines

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The All-Russian Union of Patients (VSP) wrote an appeal to the government and the Ministry of Health. It says that it is necessary to adjust the procurement mechanism for drugs within the framework of the program for the centralized provision of high-cost nosologies (VZN). It is proposed to allow the department to carry out direct procurement of unique medicinal products at auctions. We are talking about drugs that have no analogues in the international non-proprietary name. The document states that there is no competition in the auctions – only one supplier participates in them. The auction turns into a formal procedure. But more than a month is spent on it. According to the association, this is an additional drug-free months for patients. The Ministry of Health told Izvestia that it is ready to consider the possibility of amending the legislation. It is necessary that the initiative be supported by the government.