The head association of state health insurance (GKV–Spitzenverband) is implementing the June order of the Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn to expand the practice of guaranteed testing for coronavirus. From now on, the funds will take over the payment for testing patients without symptoms if there is an indirect risk of infection.
This applies to persons who, due to the nature of their job responsibilities, often meet with other people. This category, first of all, includes doctors and teachers: these include children attending school or kindergarten; as well as persons who have a special mobile application of a smartphone (Corona-Warn-App) recorded contact with infected people.
Individuals who do not belong to these categories of people must pay for the examination themselves. There is no single price. Depending on the federal state and the place where the sample is taken, the price ranges from 150 to 300 euros. For example, in Bavaria, the first test is usually free for everyone; if you need to retest, you need to pay 170 euros.
Here it is necessary to clarify that the test result (using a smear from the pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal wall) is only a confirmation of the presence or absence of the Sars-CoV-2 virus in the body. A test for the presence of antibodies in the body is done using a blood test. It costs 25 euros, but medical funds rarely pay for such an analysis, since its result only indicates the presence or absence of coronavirus in the body and does not provide reliable confirmation of immunity against Covid-19. You can check at your own expense.
There are many “home” tests for coronavirus on the Internet with self-smear or blood sampling at prices ranging from 70 to 150 euros. However, experts do not recommend following these suggestions, since their results are far from always reliable.
Alex Gradov
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