Germany: what does limiting the radius of movement mean?

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Angela Merkel and the prime ministers agreed to extend the quarantine until January 31 and tighten restrictive measures. Beginning Monday, January 11, every resident living in an area with a disease rate of more than 200 per 100,000 population per week and who does not have a “good reason” must not leave the 15 km radius of their residence.

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel said the distance will not be calculated from the exact address of residence. For example, within the city, which is a zone of increased risk of infection, you can move beyond 15 kilometers. Going to the mountains or to the nature to the lake, located at a distance of more than 15 kilometers from the city border, is problematic and threatens with fines.

Federal states must comply with the measure of limiting the radius of movement for regions with a particularly dramatic epidemiological situation. However, some states, for example Lower Saxony, are in no hurry to introduce this measure. The radius of movement is already limited in Saxony, the federal state with the highest infection rate per capita.

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