Germany: There are not enough women in the German IT business

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Several initiatives created in Germany aim to change the situation and make women stop being rare in German IT-market.

In Germany, the share of women in the IT industry is currently below 17%. This is much less than in a number of other countries: in the USA, for example, it is 26%, in Canada – 25%, and in Australia – even 28%.

April 22 in Germany is a special day for everyone interested in information technology – Girls’ Day. Its task is to draw the attention of middle and high school students (from the 5th grade) to the prospects in the field of IT. Unfortunately, at the moment there are still more guys than girls. On a German campus, there are three students for every IT student. And this is at the time of admission! The further, the greater the disproportion becomes even greater. While nearly half of all German university students are girls, only about 15 percent of computer science final exams were taken by female students.

According to the Federal Employment Agency, in general, among specialists in the field of MINT (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology), there is a clear predominance of men: out of 8 million representatives of this professional group, there are only 1.3 million women. According to experts, this is due to the fact that the basics of computer science must be comprehended already in childhood and attention should be paid to the involvement of not only boys, but also girls in the process of studying technical sciences.

Professor Katharia Hölzle, head of the department at the Hasso Platner Institute, is convinced that in order to end gender inequality in the digital world, it is necessary to rethink the teaching methods of informatics in educational institutions and take measures to ensure gender balance in IT companies.

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The RKI has calculated that the incidence rate will continue to increase