Germany: The quarantine also applies to the vaccinated

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If a family member or dorm roommate is infected with the coronavirus, everyone living under the same roof must be quarantined, including those who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus after receiving one or even both doses. This decision was made by the Administrative Court in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse.

In making the decision, the judges referred to the fact that at the current moment there is no one hundred percent proof that the vaccinated against the coronavirus do not become infected and do not transmit the virus to others. Related to this is the lack of special rules or exceptions for everyone who has already been vaccinated.

In this particular case, a married couple – the owners of a doctor’s office in the Vorderpfalz region – applied to the court. They did not agree with the quarantine imposed on them until March 18. According to available information, in early March, the couple’s daughter became infected with the coronavirus. Her parents were also to be quarantined. However, the couple did not agree with this decision. In court, the couple claimed that they were vaccinated in January and February. In addition, according to them, the daughter is in isolation, living alone on the floor where her rooms are located. Contact between them for the duration of the daughter’s quarantine was terminated. Various PCR tests for the coronavirus, as well as rapid tests done on a married couple, also tested negative. However, the judges considered that the parents are close relatives and should be in quarantine. Therefore, their claim was rejected.

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