Germany: Schools in the NRW abolish masks in classrooms, but not everywhere

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Whether or not to be masked during lessons – this issue has been discussed like no other since the beginning of the school year in the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia. In no other federal state have pupils been ordered to wear masks during class. The land authorities introduced this measure initially before August 31 and decided not to renew it. What does the land government offer instead of the canceled rule?

The requirement to wear masks during lessons in schools from tomorrow in secondary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia has been canceled. But not everywhere. It will operate for some time at the Gustav Heinemann General Education School in Essen. At least until the fall break, the school says on its Facebook page.

“In none of the classes in our school is it possible to maintain the recommended minimum distance during normal classroom instruction,” explains the school’s management. – In the classroom, people talk, exchange ideas, ask and answer questions. During conversations, aerosols are released, through which they are mainly infected with coronavirus. “

At the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium in Oberhausen, masks will be worn for at least another two weeks.

The requirement to wear masks in class in general education and vocational schools was introduced from the beginning of the school year on 12 August. The rule did not apply to primary and vocational school students in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Many teachers are surprised that the rule to wear masks has been abolished. For example, at the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium in Kaarst, where several students were diagnosed with the coronavirus. However, only a few children were quarantined and school closures were avoided. The teachers believe that this was achieved only thanks to the masks.

Many parents protested against wearing masks. Protest demonstrations were even scheduled. They feared shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, nosebleeds, which can occur with prolonged wearing of protective equipment. As a result, masks in schools were canceled.

What concept did you replace? The authorities must develop alternative plans. Plexiglass walls, long distance, smaller groups, shift lessons, air purification systems. Instead, Education Minister Gebauer announced that local action would be taken in the future.

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