Germany: Quarantine to be extended until March 14

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At a conference today with the prime ministers of the federal states and Angela Merkel, the chancellery will put forward a proposal to extend the quarantine until March 14. Should we open schools – the federal lands will decide, depending on the situation in the regions. Shops, hairdressers, museums – should remain closed for now.

The Federal Chancellery plans to extend the quarantine until March 14, according to ntv, citing a draft prepared for a video conference. Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Ministers of the federal states will discuss a further plan of measures to combat the coronavirus this afternoon.

The project emphasizes that the strict quarantine regime has decisively affected the epidemiological situation in the country and led to a decrease in the number of infected people in seven days, which is below 80 on average throughout the country “for the first time since the end of October 2020.” In some federal states, the level is approaching 50. At the same time, mutated strains of the coronavirus are spreading, which are more infectious and can cause a sharp deterioration in the situation. Significant additional efforts are required to control them and re-reduce the number of cases.

Therefore, the office proposes to extend the current restrictions on social contacts for a few more weeks. The exit from the quarantine must be deliberate and phased, “so as not to jeopardize successful steps to combat the pandemic due to renewed exponential growth in the number of cases.”

The project developed by the Chancellery does not contain decisions on the restoration of schools. This issue remains within the competence of the federal states. The conference of ministers of culture has already made its recommendation for the phased reopening of schools from 15 February.

Hairdressers will be able to reopen after March 1st.

When further weakening will be introduced is still under discussion. “The Federal Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states call on all citizens to reduce all contact to an absolute minimum in the next few weeks and, in particular, to avoid meeting indoors.”

At the moment, there are two scenarios for further steps to exit quarantine. The first option – the decisions will be discussed at the next conference of the federal states on March 10, “taking into account the number of infections.” Another says that the next steps could be taken “with a stable 7-day incidence across Germany at no more than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants.”

In this case, and subject to compliance with the measure – one buyer per 20 square meters, stores will be able to resume activity. At the same time cultural institutions, fitness studios and other services that require close contact with the client will be able to earn.

Germany says this:

Germany: Federal state opens primary schools and kindergartens from 15 February

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