Germany: Prime Minister prepares to close schools, kindergartens and shops

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The increase in the number of infected in Saxony is of concern to the Prime Minister of the federal state Michael Kretschmer. The politician said he expects to introduce drastic measures to combat the pandemic if the number of new infections does not decrease within two weeks.

If the situation does not change for the better, the head of Saxony sees no choice but to close all kindergartens and schools without exception. There is no alternative solution, Kretschmer emphasizes.

Along with the closure of schools, all stores will have to be closed again, except for food and haberdashery. “Now is the time to act,” Kretschmer urged. The hospitals are already overcrowded. “We will not be able to survive the winter this way,” the politician stressed. The goal is to reduce the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days well below 200, and in the Prime Minister’s opinion, ideally even well below 100.

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