Germany: Penalty for not wearing a protective mask doubled

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By admin

The number of cases detected in Germany is growing. Today RKI reported about 1,900 new infections. Regional politicians impose stricter penalties. So, for the lack of a mask in public places in Hamburg, a fine of 80 euros will be imposed.

The fines will be paid both by residents and guests of Hamburg who violate the introduced rule to wear a mask, and by people who have not properly provided protection to the population. Until now, the fine for not wearing bandages covering the nose and mouth on buses and trains has been 40 euros. The fine was introduced in the Hanseatic city at the end of August. After a couple of weeks, it was doubled. Now a fine (€ 80) is levied for the lack of a mask in all public places, such as shops.

Hamburg, therefore, reacted to an agreement between the heads of state governments and the federal government, according to which the fine for the lack of masks in Germany must be at least 50 euros.

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