Germany: Payments for reduced working hours will be extended until the end of the year

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Vice-Chancellor of Germany, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz plans to extend benefits for reduced working hours at least until the end of this year. The politician stated this in an interview with the Funke media group.

According to the politician, the ability to receive support for a shorter working day in a simplified manner should be maintained at least until the end of 2021, and probably even longer. He said that in the current crisis situation, the government will provide assistance to businesses and the population as long as there are restrictions that have a negative impact on the German campaigns.

If the enterprise is in a difficult situation as a result of the reduction of orders and is forced to reduce the working hours of employees, the Federal Employment Agency compensates for most of the lost income of the employees of this enterprise. Along with these benefits, employers are reimbursed for social security payments for employees who are transferred to reduced working hours. Thus, the government helps enterprises to overcome the crisis time without resorting to layoffs.

During the crisis in the country, the government eased the rules for receiving benefits for reduced working hours. In accordance with the adopted resolution, at the current moment they are valid until the end of June.

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