Germany: Nearly 50,000 travelers take voluntary corona tests

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To date, around 50,000 people have been voluntarily tested for the corona virus at airports, train stations and motorway service stations in Bavaria. At Munich airport alone, 13,771 people passed the test, Bavarian Health Minister Melanie Huml said during a visit to the testing center on Friday.

Testing points on motorways in recreation areas are also in great demand. According to these data, only in the testing center on Autobahn # 3, about 2,000 people were tested daily.

There is no general data on how many travelers to Bavarian testing centers have been infected with the corona virus, according to the Ministry of Health. In line with the current status, the percentage of positive tests at Nuremberg and Munich airports is in the ppm range, while in Memmingen the number of cases is in the low single-digit range, the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety announced.

Rosenheim and Traunstein also reported isolated cases of positive results at their testing centers. So far, 8 out of almost 2,300 travelers on Autobahn 93 near Kiefersfelden have tested positive for the new corona virus, at the Hochfelln-Nord service station on Autobahn 8 it was 18 out of 3,583 tests.

From 25 July in Bavaria, all travelers can voluntarily undergo testing upon arrival at the airports of Munich and Nuremberg, and from 30 July also at the main train stations in Munich and Nuremberg and at the service stations of the Hochfeln-Nord (A8), Innal-Ost motorways. (A93) and Donautal-Ost (A3). In early August, a testing center was opened at Memmingen Airport. For vacationers from risk areas, a nationwide test will be applied from today.

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