Germany: Imposition of relaxation and opening of schools and kindergartens postponed again

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The state government of Baden-Württemberg today planned to announce whether schools will open in early February and for which classes. However, the opening of schools and kindergartens – postponed. The reason for this was the identified mutated strain of coronavirus in one of the kindergartens in Freiburg.

A government spokesman said that two cases of the mutated virus were confirmed in the kindergarten. Another 21 positive tests for coronavirus are being investigated for the new variant. Opening schools and kindergartens in this situation would be irresponsible. Therefore, the authorities decided to postpone the opening of kindergartens and primary schools.

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, has already reported that if new, as scientists report, more aggressive variants of the virus discovered in the UK or South Africa are detected in Baden-Württemberg, the situation will look different. “New conditions may lead to drastic measures.” In this case, it may be necessary to cancel the planned relaxation of restrictive measures. “We have not yet coped with the virus, but we are in the most difficult phase of the pandemic.”

In the Immergrün kindergarten in Freiburg, the mutated virus is suspected in 14 teachers and 10 children. Four of the six groups are in quarantine.

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