Germany: IBB accepts support applications with commercial lease payments

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Small and medium-sized companies in Berlin can turn to Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) from Monday for immediate commercial rental assistance. The state is allocating a total of 90 million euros for this, as announced by the Senate Department of Economics, Energy and Enterprise.

Companies in need with 10 to 250 employees are partially reimbursed for the rent for April and May, up to 10,000 euros per company. In the case of several rented or leased objects, it can even reach 30,000 euros.

A prerequisite is a decrease in sales of at least 60 percent in April and May. “Many companies are in jeopardy because they still lack liquidity to pay rent,” said Economic Senator Ramona Pop. “The commercial rental subsidy is an additional component that will help, above all, to relieve companies related to tourism, culture and services based on them,” said IBB CEO Jürgen Allerkamp.

Applications can be submitted from Monday 17 August at 9:00 am on the IBB website. (dpa)

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