Germany: Hospital for childcare and elderly people will increase

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The German government has adopted a package of measures to stabilize the situation during the crisis. The coalition committee agreed on the reform of the electoral law, on the extension of benefits for a shorter working day. In addition, the top of the SPD and the CDU / CSU agreed to extend the sick leave for the care of children and the elderly and soften the bankruptcy law.

The current mitigation of the bankruptcy law will be extended. The purpose of this measure is to prevent a wave of bankruptcies. Until the end of the year, the rule on the obligation to immediately declare the company’s insolvency due to over-indebtedness has been suspended.

In 2020, those insured with public health insurance funds will be paid more days to care for their children. The child’s sickness benefit will increase for each parent by an additional five days, and for single parents by ten. Working residents of the country caring for relatives or forced to reorganize care due to the coronavirus crisis will be paid up to 20 working days this year. The Care Support Allowance can also be used for up to 20 working days if the care is provided at home.

Interim assistance for small and medium-sized companies will be extended until the end of the year. Previously, the assistance program was limited to the end of August. The federal government has allocated 25 billion euros in subsidies to firms.

The development of digitalization will be financed from the EU Corona aid funds, which, on the one hand, amount to 500 million euros for equipping teachers with computers and gadgets. On the other hand, a nationwide educational platform will be created, which should provide space for high quality digital educational content.

As the coronavirus spreads faster in dry air spaces, € 500 million will be allocated to modernize air conditioning systems in public buildings.

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