Germany: German teachers’ association opposes the regular operation of schools in risk areas

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The number of infected people in Germany is growing. The country is reintroducing lockdowns with restrictions on movement and the closure of schools and kindergartens. However, in most cities and towns, schools operate practically without restrictions. Heinz-Peter Meidinger, President of the German Teachers’ Association, is critical of the current state of affairs.

Schools in regions exceeding the critical limit of 50 cases per 100,000 per week should not operate “no matter what” in a normal mode with full classes. Meidinger calls this tactic of the federal states and municipalities irresponsible: “With the current situation and such a high number of infected, schools should work in shifts with half of the students in the classrooms.”

At a conference late last week, ministers of education and culture agreed that schools and kindergartens should remain open whenever possible, despite the vastly increasing number of new coronavirus infections. The only limitation is that with a large number of infections, students are required to wear masks during lessons. They are also encouraged to take blankets to school, as classrooms must be ventilated every twenty minutes.

Germany says this:

Lockdown in Germany: Region closes schools and kindergartens on October 20

Regions of Germany will introduce restrictions corresponding to the lockdown

Germany: Two rolls of toilet paper for two euros

Germany: Treatment with connection to a ventilator costs more than 10.000 euros

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