Germany: Domestic Violence Rises During Coronavirus Pandemic

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Hesse’s Minister of Social Affairs and Integration, Kai Klose, fears that the coronavirus pandemic has caused an increase in domestic violence against children and women. The problem is that the rise in violence goes unnoticed – said the minister at a meeting of parliament. Klose referred to current research, stressing that the sharp increase in domestic violence is observed especially during the period of radical restriction of social contacts and self-isolation.

When it comes to domestic violence, there are many questions to which, at times, it is impossible to give answers, collect evidence. An increase in unreported cases of domestic violence is indicated by the increase in anonymous requests for help, telephone calls and online consultations.

Klose assured all institutions working in the system of support for women and children to provide comprehensive assistance. The state government is helping agencies reduce costs associated with the pandemic and meet increasing hygiene requirements. Three million euros will be allocated for this alone.

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