Germany announced the threat of a missile strike on Europe

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The era of hypersonic weapons development is a nightmare for European security. As noted by the German newspaper Die Welt, this is a new round in the “spiral of threats”.

The authors of the article drew attention to the training launch of intercontinental missiles from a Russian submarine in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. At that time, a missile launch alarm went off at the US air base in Germany. It is argued that the United States clearly does not rule out a missile strike against Europe. In this regard, they are constantly on high alert. However, due to the speed of the new weapon, there is a risk of “not having time to raise the alarm.”

On the whole, a new new type of weapon could upset the balance between the nuclear powers and hinder disarmament negotiations. The Berlin think tank for foreign policy noted that Russia and China are leading in the field of hypersonic weapons. But the United States is lagging behind.

Moreover, the Russian Federation has effective means of countering new US developments. This is the S-500 anti-aircraft missile system, as well as an upgraded interceptor missile.

Earlier, the head of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Vladimir Ermakov, noted that the violent US campaign to develop hypersonic weapons was the result of wounded pride due to the success of the Russian Federation in this direction.

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