German Health Minister: “Corona Rules Will Continue Next Year”

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Due to the high number of coronavirus infections, stricter measures are coming into force in Germany today. Most stores are due to remain closed until January 10th. There are also strict contact restrictions. Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against loosening the rules. At a virtual meeting of the Union faction, she said that otherwise the country would have to remain isolated longer. January and February will be very difficult. The number of intensive care patients will continue to grow.

Even with the coronavirus vaccine imminent, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn believes distance and hygiene rules are necessary for many months. “Just because we start vaccinations very soon after Christmas doesn’t mean that all the rules are no longer needed,” Spahn said in an interview with RTL / ntv. “We’ll also need these rules next year.” Only when the vaccination quota of 55 to 65 percent of the population is reached, further quarantines can be excluded. The first “five million shots” will not be enough. Only in the summer can we expect a return to normal life “step by step”.

In one of his interviews, the minister urged the population to get vaccinated: “From my point of view, getting vaccinated is a matter of common sense,” he said. “It’s smart for everyone first, because vaccination protects and above all helps to avoid the most difficult processes, and it’s smart for the community because vaccination can also protect others.”

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