Geothermal power plant to be built on Iturup for 2 billion rubles

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A geothermal power plant will be built on Iturup, which will use the energy of the Baransky volcano. The project cost is estimated at about 2 billion rubles. During implementation, the mechanism of public-private partnership is used.

The project, worth about 2 billion rubles, will be carried out using a public-private partnership mechanism. The agreement on the construction of the facility was reached during the Open Days of the Sakhalin Region for investors, which took place on April 22 and 23 in Moscow.

The project will be attended by a single development institution – the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Ministry of Energy of the Sakhalin Region, as well as Compulink Group Management Company and Gazprombank.

According to Sakhalin Governor Valery Limarenko, quoted by SakhalinMedia news agency, in his message to the Federation Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the authorities and business to introduce new integrated approaches to the development of energy and the use of modern technologies that reduce resource consumption and negative impact on the environment. One solution could be the use of geothermal energy.

Station “Okeanskaya-2” is supposed to provide full power supply to industrial facilities and residents of Iturup, reduce the dependence of the remote area on the delivery of diesel fuel. The construction of the station will save on average 25 tons of diesel fuel per day.

The agency recalls that in 2007, the Ocean Geothermal Power Plant was commissioned at Iturup. After a fire in 2013, the station was decommissioned and mothballed.