Geneticist Atur Isaev said when the outbreak of coronavirus infection in Russia will decline.
According to the expert, the next two to three months all over the world there will be a peak in the incidence of infection. At the same time, Isaev noted that the population’s immunity is growing even without a vaccine.
So, in June, the proportion of patients with antibodies in St. Petersburg was about 7-9%, and in recent months, the same number of the population fell ill with the coronavirus as in all the previous 6 months.
“On the one hand, this is a disturbing fact. But, on the other hand, this means that the immune layer is increasing. There is a chance that today it is about 25%. Another couple of months of incidence at such a rate, and I think that the layer will reach 25-40%, “- quotes genetics on Saturday, November 28.
Isaev noted that it is necessary to “get” another 10-20% and the total volume of the immune “safety cushion” will reach 60%.
“This, according to forecasts, should be enough to bring the epidemic under control and the incidence rate has firmly declined,” he concluded.
On November 27, the deputy director for scientific work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Alexander Gorelov, said that the mask regime will remain in Russia until the coronavirus infection becomes seasonal.