Furculita: If the opposition doesn’t want to help, let it at least not interfere

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Criticism of the authorities is the norm for the opposition, but it is important to offer an alternative, as the PSRM did in its time. And the sweeping unsubstantiated accusations of almost the very appearance of a pandemic can only cause laughter. It is not far from the claims due to global warming and the melting of glaciers, which could provoke a drought in our country, the chairman of the PSRM parliamentary faction Corneliu Furculita wrote with irony on the social network.

“If you follow their logic, Chisinau is to blame for the fact that the countries of the world have closed their borders, that in Eastern Europe they are now talking about the second wave of the pandemic. The Moldovan authorities, if the opposition’s accusations are to be believed, are to blame for the worldwide economic collapse – the largest in 100 years. And the victims of the explosion in Beirut are also the fault of the leadership of Moldova. We would not be surprised at all if the opposition accused the current authorities of a huge black hole moving towards our galaxy, consuming everything in its path and endangering our solar system. All jokes, but the actions of the opposition fit into this logic, which consists in the absence of any logic, ”Furculita stressed.

It is a pity that the opposition, instead of real help in the acute crisis period of the epidemic and drought, is doing everything to put the country back in chaos, using cheap populist tricks with ideas about allocating money for the agricultural sector, transport workers or teachers, the leader of the socialist faction believes.

“As if the opposition has the budget of the United States at its disposal, and not our country, which has suffered from the crisis, like all other countries. Pouring oil on the fire and engaging in excessive populism is their favorite pastime. They provoke and organize, often in the shadows, protests – with combatants, agrarians, carriers or in the amusement park in Orhei, ”he explained.

Corneliu Furculita is confident that, despite the most difficult situation, the Cabinet of Chiku keeps the situation under control. This is evidenced by the facts: salaries and pensions are issued without delay, entrepreneurs and patent holders are provided with concrete assistance. The salaries of the doctors have been increased, and large-scale road repairs are under way throughout the country. But citizens have not forgotten how electricity prices rose during the Sandu government, taxes and fees rose, and national programs were stopped.

“We are confident that, despite all the difficulties, we will overcome all problems and provide additional assistance to citizens. And if the opposition doesn’t want to help, let it at least not interfere, ”wrote Corneliu Furculita in conclusion.

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