French tourist fined for “souvenir” sand from Sardinia

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One of the famous resort areas in Italy – Sardinia – takes measures to protect its natural wealth – fine clean sand, pebbles and shells from the beaches. The fact is that tourists often try to take these seemingly unnecessary materials with them as souvenirs. Over the past year alone, over ten tons of such “souvenirs” were confiscated at the island’s airports. However, it is assumed that this is only a small part of the damage caused to the beaches, the total length of which is more than one and a half thousand kilometers.

For three years now in Sardinia there have been fines for the export of natural resources – from 500 to 3000 euros. But this does not stop fans of souvenirs, new cases are constantly revealed. So the fan of souvenirs from France, who was charged only one thousand euros, still got off easily, CNN reports.

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