Former New York City Corrections Union Boss Denied Request to Serve Time at Home

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Norman Seabrook, former boss of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association, received a $ 60,000 bribe from hedge fund Platinum Partners in 2014 for investing $ 20 million from a pension fund in the firm. trade union. The firm went bankrupt. The money is gone. And Norman Seabrook was sentenced to 58 months in prison.

He has not served a single day. But on December 29, he was supposed to start serving his sentence. However, his lawyer, Roger Adler, petitioned the Manhattan federal court to allow his client to serve time at home. Reasons? It is unclear when the Bureau of Prisons will receive the coronavirus vaccine. And Seabrook is at high risk: African American, elderly, with lung disease and heart disease. He is clearly in danger of premature death. “But the court sentenced him to imprisonment and not to death,” Adler wrote in his petition.

But judge Alvin Hellerstein could not be pityed. Probably, his decision was influenced by a letter from two former retired jailers, who attached a photo from a party at which Seabrook is having fun without a mask, clearly not at all concerned about the danger of picking up a virus. The judge ruled: the convicted person must appear at the Bureau of Prisons on March 30, 2021. They will determine where he will serve his term.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
You won’t be able to sit at home

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