Autumn weather is expected in Moscow on Thursday, August 13. The maximum air temperature will be 17 degrees, there will be rains, leading specialist of the Phobos weather center Yevgeny Tishkovets told RIA Novosti.
“Today the synoptic situation in Moscow will be influenced by the rear of the cyclone, where rain clouds and colder air of polar origin will flow from the north. The temperature background is 5-6 degrees below the climatic norm, which corresponds to the September indicators, ”he said.
At the same time, the meteorologist clarified that the weather is expected to be cloudy with clearings, there will be a short rain. The temperature will be 15-17 degrees, the wind will be north.
“This is a clear immersion in September weather, today is the coldest day in August,” concluded Tishkovets.
A day earlier, forecasters said that the “dress rehearsal of autumn” is starting in the European part of Russia. According to them, the cold snap provoked a cyclone over the Arctic seas.