Forecasters predicted early spring in 2021 in Russia

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Leading specialist of the Phobos weather center, Evgeny Tishkovets, on the air of the Moscow Talk radio station on Sunday, December 20, predicted the onset of early spring in 2021 in most of the European territory of Russia.

According to the specialist, winter will be warmer than normal and will show abnormal performance. So, it is expected that in January the temperature will be above the climatic norm by two degrees, and in February the anomaly will increase to three to four degrees. Tishkovets noted that March is also expected to be quite warm, exceeding the norm by three degrees, the Zvezda TV channel notes.

The forecaster clarified that the winter season will be held “according to an abbreviated program” and will be shorter by at least two weeks, which is why spring will come earlier.

Tishkovets said that this weather will be observed in most of European Russia, writes RT. At the same time, winter will be cold in the Asian part of Russia. He warned the inhabitants of Siberia that severe frosts would come to them in the New Year, the TV channel “360” notes.

In Moscow, warming and snow melting is predicted ahead of schedule. So, usually the Moscow spring begins on March 27, writes REGNUM.

Earlier, the head of the laboratory of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Lyudmila Parshina, also said that in January the air temperature in Russia is expected to be slightly higher than the climatic norm. We are talking about the Magadan region, the east of Yakutia, Chukotka, most of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, as well as the extreme south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tuva, the extreme south of the Irkutsk region.

On December 17, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, warned that the length of the seasons in the foreseeable future could change greatly due to the influence of climate. He noted that in some regions the conditional “winter period” was reduced by ten or more days. For example, in the Moscow region, the date of temperature transition to negative values ​​shifted by about 7-10 days, and spring began to come 5-7 days earlier than in the middle of the 20th century.

Earlier on December 20, Vilfand advised Muscovites not to wait for severe frosts and snowfall for the New Year. The average temperature on New Year’s Eve is minus 7.1 degrees, the amount of precipitation is 1.1 mm on average.

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