Foods affecting the production of antibodies to coronavirus named

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Director of the N.F. Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg explained which diet helps to form immunity against coronavirus.

According to the expert, the body must receive enough protein to produce antibodies.

– Protein food greatly affects the production of antibodies, since this process is very energy-consuming for the body. It is important for people who have been vaccinated to eat more high-quality meat, not fat, TASS quotes Gunzburg.

The formation of immunity is also influenced by stress and bad habits. Hormones that cause stressful conditions inhibit the production of certain hormones in the immune system, the doctor explained. Therefore, stress interferes with the formation of antibodies.

Note that in the Volgograd region, vaccination against coronavirus continues. A new batch of Sputnik V vaccine was delivered to the region the day before. Representatives of at-risk professions will be vaccinated: health workers, teachers and social workers. The vaccination campaign will continue during the New Year holidays.

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