Fire damaged two houses in Astrakhan

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The fire covered 200 sq. meters

This early morning in Astrakhan there was a large fire in the Kirov region. On Pestel street, house 36 and Melnikov street, house 9, the roof, interior decoration of two-story and one-story wooden residential buildings caught fire. The total area of ​​the fire was 200 sq. meters.

Shots from the place of the fire

The main task of the firefighters was to prevent the spread of fire to neighboring houses and buildings. Fortunately, the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, consisting of 21 personnel, with the help of 8 pieces of equipment coped with the fire and were able to eliminate it at about six in the morning.

Analysis and pouring of building structures

Fire and rescue units are now dismantling half-burnt structures and spilling them to avoid re-ignition. No one was injured in the fire, the reasons for the incident have not yet been reported.

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