Experts reported non-fulfillment of every fourth state contract in construction

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Every fourth state contract in construction is not being executed, the Rating Agency of the Construction Complex (RASK) told Izvestia. In 2020, more than 33 thousand agreements were fully or partially terminated, or 23% of their total number over the past year, said the director of the organization Nikolai Alekseenko.

Over the past three years, the volume of canceled contracts amounted to 750 billion rubles, he said. Currently, government contracts totaling 5.3 trillion rubles are under execution – in fact, this is the current budget construction portfolio, the expert noted. And about 14% of it was terminated, he said. This happens both at the initiative of the customer or the contractor, and by agreement of the parties.

– But any termination, even by agreement of the parties, carries a significant risk for budget funds – primarily due to delays in the implementation of projects. As a result, the efficiency of spending budget funds is catastrophically falling, ”Nikolai Alekseenko emphasized.

The FAS “Izvestia” was told that the Antimonopoly Service monitors the procedure for public procurement, but the justification and results of the implementation of the concluded contracts are outside the competence of the department. They reported that the total number of complaints received and considered for procurement under 44-FZ in 2020 amounted to more than 87.9 thousand.

The Ministry of Construction does not have information on the reasons for the termination of contracts by other federal executive bodies, the department told Izvestia. In 2020, the ministry did not terminate any major contracts, they said.

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Dissolved feelings: every fourth state contract for construction is not executed