Epiphany FAQs Revisions

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coalition evaluation processEpiphany: FAQs

At Epiphany, what are the main types of organizations you work with?

We offer our evaluation services to a variety of organizations including schools, nonprofit organizations, and fundraising organizations.

What sets your coalition evaluation software apart from other providers in the industry?

Our software is specifically designed to offer practical and affordable options that can be customized to meet the needs of almost any organization. We offer coalition evaluation services in areas that are traditionally ignored by others.

How do you set your clients up for success in the future?

The goal of our coalition development services is to help our clients find the easiest path to success. We use our experience and expertise to analyze organizations, identify their biggest challenges, and place them on the right path with the right tools.

How does the Epiphany evaluation process work?

During our coalition evaluation process, we work with you to find a way to help you tell your story. We want to describe the impact you have on your local community and address your emerging needs. Our software tool helps you implement a functional data tracking process to make that happen.