Epidemiologist warned Russians about the dangers of women’s bags

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Women’s leather bags can pose a health hazard due to microorganisms accumulating on their surfaces and inside. Mikhail Lebedev, an expert at the CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, spoke about this on Sunday, October 4, in an interview with Sputnik radio.

The specialist noted that the bags are in contact with unwashed hands and come into contact with many dirty surfaces, which leads to the entry of germs into them.

“The most ideal conditions for the reproduction and spread of pathogens are provided by leather bags with a spongy texture,” Zvezda TV channel quotes Lebedev.

The most contaminated items in a woman’s purse are hand cream, lipstick, nail file and mascara. Also, a lot of microbes settle on keys, mobile phones, documents, and a comb.

“Most often in the purse and the objects in it are E. coli, viruses – pathogens of intestinal infections, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, helminth eggs, various fungi, demodex mite”, – quotes Lebedeva NSN.

The specialist called for disinfecting things in bags with antiseptic wipes and gels, as well as treating the surface of the products themselves.

In May, microbiologist Yevgeny Plisov announced the likelihood of contracting coronavirus through money. The scientist recommended limiting the use of cash transferred from hand to hand during a pandemic.

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