Endocrinologist named the consequences of training on an empty stomach

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According to the specialist, regular exercise on an empty stomach can lead to muscle injuries as well as heart problems.

Endocrinologist, MD Zukhra Pavlova warned that on an empty stomach it makes sense to do only stretching and breathing exercises. Serious strength training should be started only 1.5-2 hours after breakfast. At the same time, you can prepare a protein shake with vegetables and fruits for breakfast. However, you shouldn’t make a smoothie out of it. The doctor recommends chewing everything yourself.

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On her Instagram page, Pavlova recalled that when training on an empty stomach, the load on all muscles, especially on the heart, increases. It is important that it does not hurt after exercise, since chest pain is the first sign that you are harming your health with exercise.

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During heavy loads, athletes specifically take carbohydrates in order to stock up on glycogen. With its lack, instead of fat, muscles begin to “burn”. But in ordinary life, carbohydrates during training will be superfluous, especially if you want to lose weight. According to the endocrinologist, it is better to transfer heavy sports loads to the second half of the day. In the morning, it is advisable to do something calmer.