[EN DIRECT] All the developments of the pandemic

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Whether in Quebec or elsewhere on the planet, the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting our lives.

Here you will find all the news throughout the day related to this crisis affecting the population, governments and the economy.



Case: 36 916 137
Death: 1,068,674


Case: 177 719, 84 094 in Quebec

Death: 9586, 5936 in Quebec


8:28 am | COVID-19: in Tehran, non-compliance with protocols will be punished with a fine.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

Residents of Tehran will be fined if they do not comply with health instructions against the new coronavirus, including wearing a mask, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced in a televised speech on Saturday.

Over the past week, the Islamic Republic has announced new records of infection and daily mortality from the COVID-19 disease.

Those who do not respect the rules will be identified by “the police, the Bassij (paramilitary force) and inspectors”, and will have to pay the fine within two weeks, said Rouhani. “If they do not do it (…), the fine will be deducted from their account”, he warned.

In total, the pandemic has killed 28,098 out of 492,378 people infected in Iran, by far the most affected country in the Near and Middle East.

The fine will be imposed on people who test positive who refuse to self-isolate, citizens who do not wear a mask when leaving their homes, and companies and officials who do not respect protocols or provide service to people who do not follow the rules.

The fines will be 500,000 rials ($ 1.6) for not wearing a mask in public spaces and may reach 10 million rials ($ 32.8) for companies not respecting the protocols.

8:27 am | Coronavirus: not a single case in North Korea, says Kim Jong-un.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un assured Saturday, during a giant military parade held in Pyongyang, that there was “not a single person” with coronavirus in his country as the pandemic hit the whole world.

He wished “good health to all people around the world who fight the evils” of COVID-19, in a speech broadcast by state television, while US President Donald Trump was recently hospitalized.

8:25 am | Czech Republic: Four consecutive days of record rise in COVID-19 cases.

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The Czech Republic has recorded four consecutive days of a record daily rise in COVID-19 cases, according to data released on Saturday, which could lead authorities to impose a new lockdown.

Some 8,618 new cases were recorded on Friday in the Czech Republic, an EU country of 10.7 million people, according to the health ministry, breaking Thursday’s record of 5,394 and bringing the total to 109,374 cases with 905 death.

By comparison, neighboring Poland with 38 million inhabitants said on Saturday that it had recorded in the last 24 hours an also record figure of 5,300 cases of contamination.

Data released by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control on Friday showed that the Czech Republic has recorded the fastest growing infection per 100,000 population in the EU over the past two weeks.

The Czech Republic had 398 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, ahead of Spain with 307 and the Netherlands with 304.

8:23 am | Curfew in Berlin to contain the epidemic.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

The city of Berlin is imposing the closure of bars and restaurants between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. from Saturday to stem the worrying increase in COVID-19 infections

The city of Frankfurt has taken a similar measure, which took effect on Friday evening, with the closure of bars and restaurants and the ban on the sale of alcohol between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

In Berlin, this curfew, which affects all stores except pharmacies and gas stations, will be in place until at least October 31.

The sale of alcohol in gas stations where grocery stores will also be prohibited from 11 p.m.

“This is not the time to party,” the Social Democratic mayor of the capital, Michael Müller, had justified on October 6 to justify this measure. “We can and we want to prevent another more severe confinement”, he added, addressing more particularly the age group between 20 and 40 years.

“After three glasses of wine, we respect the barrier gestures a little less,” explained Dirk Behrendt, in charge of the Justice portfolio for the city of Berlin.

The left-wing municipality has also decided to severely restrict social contact.

From now on, between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., outdoor gatherings should not exceed five people. During the day, this gauge remains fixed for the moment at 50.

8:19 am | Coronavirus: more than 10 million cases reported in the Latin America and Caribbean region.

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More than 10 million cases of the new coronavirus have been officially identified in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a count made by AFP from official sources on Saturday

In total, at least 10,001,833 cases have been reported. Among them, 366,637 people died and 8,537,563 are considered cured. Latin America and the Caribbean is, according to officially reported figures, the most affected region of the world in terms of both cases and deaths.

More than half of the region’s cases are in Brazil, which has 5,055,888 cases and 149,639 deaths. Colombia (894,300 cases and 27,495 deaths), Argentina (871,455, 23,225) and Peru (843,355, 33,158) follow.

8:10 am | Brazil is expected to exceed the threshold of 150,000 deaths from the coronavirus on Saturday, nearly eight months after the appearance of the first case, as the number of daily deaths continues to slowly decline.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

7:46 am | The events industry feels more forgotten than ever, as part of the second lockdown, as events cancel out one after another and several companies do not fit into any government financial assistance program.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

TO READ | Seven months after the start of the pandemic, the marathon that scientists around the world are leading to find a vaccine or drugs against COVID-19 is far from over.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

[INFOGRAPHIE] Quebec is no stricter than elsewhere in schools.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

5:30 am | Fighting for the number 1 patient of COVID.

On February 25, the rail crisis was in full swing in Quebec with railways blocked by Aboriginals in Kahnawake, Sherbrooke and Gaspé. The Canadian lost in front of 21,187 spectators at the Bell Center. COVID-19 was only a distant threat with cases in Italy, Iran and China.

What we did not know at the time was that a patient had presented to Verdun hospital with symptoms of the disease. This was patient number 1. Our Investigation Office obtained exclusive access to the team that took care of her. Here is the story of the first case of a disease that shook Quebec.

5:15 am | Montreal CHSLDs are not affected very much by COVID-19.

At the CHSLD Hôpital général de Québec (photo), there are currently 12 cases of COVID-19 infections among residents, two more cases than in all long-term care centers in Montreal.

File photo, Simon Clark

At the CHSLD Hôpital général de Québec (photo), there are currently 12 cases of COVID-19 infections among residents, two more cases than in all long-term care centers in Montreal.

In a reversal of situation, the second wave of the coronavirus has so far practically spared CHSLDs and retirement homes on the island of Montreal, while it is raging in the rest of Quebec.

4 h 55 | New restriction measures are expected to fight the spread of the new coronavirus in the UK, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to detail his strategy in front of MPs on Monday.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

4:14 am | A couple from British Columbia found themselves in quarantine Thursday after crossing the Canada-U.S. Border as they attempted to reach their residence in Mexico.

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1 hour | Canada has more daily COVID-19 cases today than at the height of the first wave. Fortunately, the death toll remains much lower.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

1 hour | Faced with a virus as contagious as the current coronavirus, the mask remains the best way to reduce the number of viral particles absorbed to allow immunity to neutralize the infection.

[EN DIRECT]  All the developments of the pandemic

Archive photo, QMI Agency

0 h | It is not just the pandemic that will experience two waves. If the first vaccines to emerge will help mitigate the pandemic, there will also be a second generation of better optimized vaccines, anticipates the big boss of IMV.

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