Election scandal in Kotlas

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Regional official puts pressure on members of the competition committee for the election of the mayor of Kotlas

Late in the evening of April 14, a member of the competition committee for the selection of the head of the administration of the city district “Kotlas”, deputy of the city council Anatoly Arseev, published the following statement in the public VK “Gossip of Kotlas”, we quote it literally.

“Compatriots, as a member of the competition committee, I want to make an official statement.

There will be no competition tomorrow. More precisely, it will be, but fictitious. The winner is already known. This is S. Yu. Deineko. The governor’s representative in the commission, Andrei Ryzhenkov, today brought this information to me and Likhanova, under threat of dismissal from work, demanding not to interfere with them tomorrow to prepare protocols on the “victory” of Deineko, a pair of which will be some second clearly not a passing candidate.

From the moment of the announcement of the competition and the beginning of accepting applications from candidates, he considered it unacceptable for himself to voice statements about a particular candidate. However, today’s meeting with the governor’s representative has lifted any restrictions. “

The meeting of the competition committee will take place on April 15 at 10-00.

Director of the Department for Internal Policy and Local Self-Government of the Government of the Arkhangelsk Region Andrey Ryzhenkov andAlexander Dyatlov, Chairman of the Committee of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies for Nature Management and the Timber Industry Complex, arrived in Kotlas today.

In the comments to the publication, Deputy Arseev wrotethat has an audio recording of the conversation with Ryzhenkov. The own sources of “MK in Arkhangelsk” report that the conversation between Ryzhenkov and Arseev was in a raised voice, with the use of profanity.

The publication of the post drew a flurry of outraged comments from the residents of Kotlas. The situation in the city is heating up.

Prior to his appointment to the Government of the Arkhangelsk Region, Ryzhenkov was the head of the Regional Executive Committee of the Arkhangelsk Regional Branch of the United Russia Party since 2019.