Thread is getting an Edit Button and Voice Recording – New Update

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By Harmony Alex

Meta’s Threads, a Twitter alternative, has introduced its most requested feature, an edit button. The announcement was made by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, stating that the Threads’ edit button will be rolled out to all users. Users can edit their posts within a limited time after publishing and can now create voice posts using Voice Threads.

Threads is finally rolling out a new Edit Button feature to its users. This Twitter rival is now providing its users the ability to edit their posts within a five-minute window. This means users can now make multiple changes to their posts without any restrictions. Additionally, Voice Threads is another new feature that allows users to create voice posts with automatic transcription. To record a post, users simply need to tap the microphone icon. The content can be played back with a highlighted transcript for easier comprehension.

Thread users can edit their posts within a limited time after publishing and can now create voice posts using Voice Threads.

What Statement Did Mark Zuckerberg Make?

Mark Zuckerberg just announced editing is rolling out on Threads, something that took years to arrive on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Meta’s social network, Threads, now offers two new features that differ from X (formerly Twitter). Firstly, you can ‘Edit Your Post’  for up to five minutes after publishing without paying a subscription fee. Although, the edited post will be marked with an icon.

Notably, Thread’s second new feature, called ‘Voice Threads,’ allows users to make voice posts with automatic transcription. 

The announcement was made by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, stating that the Threads' edit button will be rolled out to all users.

How will the Edit Button and Voice Recording work on Threads?

Edit Button lets users modify sent messages. Select a message, make corrections, and the edited message updates. Implementation varies, but the concept remains consistent.

Thread user can 'Edit Your Post'  for up to five minutes after publishing without paying a subscription fee

The new feature called ‘Voice Threads’ allows users to make voice posts with automatic transcription. To record a post, users simply need to tap on the microphone icon. The content can be played back with a highlighted transcript for easier comprehension.

Since its launch this summer, Meta’s Threads platform has been actively adding new features, such as a chronological following feed, a search bar for posts, and a web client.

The new feature of Thread app is called 'Voice Threads' allows users to make voice posts with automatic transcription.

Possible limitations or restrictions on using the Edit Button on Threads:

Here are five potential limitations to consider regarding the use of the Edit Button on Threads:

  1. Time limit:

Users can edit their messages only within a specific timeframe after sending.

  1. Edit history:

The platform will display an edit history or indicate edited messages for transparency.

  1. Limited edits: 

To prevent misuse, there may be limits on how many times a message can be edited. 

  1. Contextual restrictions:

Specific messages, like those in group chats or with media, may have limitations on editing.

  1. Platform-specific rules:

Threads may have specific editing guidelines or restrictions based on platform policies and user feedback. 

Restrictions on using voice recording on Threads:

Here are five potential limitations to consider regarding the use of the voice recording on Threads:

  1. Time limit:

There may be a maximum duration for voice recordings to prevent excessively long recordings.

  1. File size limit: 

Threads may impose a maximum file size for voice recordings to optimize storage and transmission.

  1. Compatibility: 

Voice recordings may be limited to specific audio formats supported by the platform.

  1. Recording quality: 

The app may impose restrictions on the audio quality or bitrate of voice recordings to balance file size and performance.

  1. Platform-specific rules: 

Threads may have specific guidelines or restrictions on voice recording usage based on their platform’s policies and user experience considerations.

Potential limitations to consider regarding the use of the Edit Button and voice recording on Tread.


The introduction of the Edit Button on Threads is a significant step forward in improving the user experience and communication capabilities of the popular messaging app. Moreover, This long-awaited feature empowers users to correct errors and refine their messages, ensuring more precise and accurate communication. Although there may be challenges in maintaining authenticity and preventing misuse, Threads’ commitment to transparency and careful implementation should help address these concerns. As social media platforms continue to evolve, features like the Edit Button demonstrate a dedication to meeting user expectations and adapting to their needs.


Q1. What is a Thread?

A: Threads is a messaging app developed by Facebook that acts as a companion to Instagram. This app offers a private and focused environment for real-time communication with close friends. It provides status updates, automatic sharing, and customizable privacy settings to enhance the user experience.

Q. How will the Edit Button work on Threads?

A: When the Edit Button is introduced, it usually enables users to modify the messages they have already sent. To do so, users can select a message they want to edit and then make necessary changes, like fixing typos or adding missing information. The edited message will then replace the original one in the conversation, and the recipients will be notified that it has been edited. Note that the way this feature is implemented may differ slightly depending on the platform.

Q: Are there any restrictions or limitations on using the Edit Button?

A: It’s common for platforms to implement certain limitations or restrictions on the use of the Edit Button to prevent abuse or misuse. These limitations may include time limits, allowing edits within a specific timeframe after sending a message, or restrictions on the number of edits allowed per message. The specific details of any restrictions or limitations will depend on the decisions made by Threads or Facebook.