Drunk 18-year-old Ryazanka stole a car and flew into a ditch

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An 18-year-old drunk girl who stole a Volkswagen and got into an accident was detained in the Ryazan region. The regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs informs about it.

The incident took place on the night of Friday to Saturday, from 7 to 8 August, in the village of Zhmurovo, Mikhailovsky district.

A 22-year-old local resident contacted the police. According to him, he left the key in the ignition, since no one was seen stealing in the village. Later he looked out the window and found that the car was not there.

Later, Volkswagen was found in a ditch with severe mechanical damage. In the morning, the police interviewed local residents and they said that they had seen a girl driving this car. The police identified the 18-year-old malefactor and detained her.

It turned out that the girl was drinking this evening and decided to take a ride in the first car she saw. The suspect lost control and flew into a ditch and returned home.

A criminal case has been initiated against the young Ryazanka woman. She faces up to 5 years in prison.

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