Doctors saved a child with a dissection of an artery in Khabarovsk

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In Khabarovsk, doctors rescued a ten-year-old boy who was admitted with damage to the neurovascular bundle with dissection of the artery. The child was injured when he fell on a fence made of a professional sheet.

As told IA “Khabarovsk Territory Today” in the regional clinical hospital No. 1, the boy cut the axillary region, blood flow was disturbed. This could lead to tissue destruction and loss of an arm, and toxic substances could enter the bloodstream, which would further affect the functioning of the kidneys. Such a case, according to doctors, is the first in recent years.

Olga Molchanova, deputy chief physician for the hospital’s medical department, noted the efficiency of the ambulance team and hospital doctors, who sutured the vessels and restored blood flow. They also sewed the damaged nerve plexuses together.

The treatment continues. According to the doctors, the dynamics are positive, and soon the boy can be released home.

In April, it was reported that in Nizhny Novgorod, doctors of the Specialized Cardiac Surgery Clinical Hospital (SKKB) performed a complex operation to replace the ascending aorta and aortic valve under conditions of artificial circulation.

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