Doctor who threatened a woman in a store in St. Petersburg with a gun was detained

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On October 4, law enforcement agencies detained anesthesiologist-resuscitator Vladimir Bratslavsky, who threatened a woman with a child with a pistol in a St. Petersburg supermarket. REN TV channel reports about it.

On the fact of what happened against Bratslavsky, a criminal case was initiated under the article “Hooliganism”. The traumatic pistol with which he threatened was confiscated. At the moment, the issue of taking the attacker into custody is being resolved.

REN TV channel published a video of the incident. On it, a man threatens a woman with a child with a pistol and declares that he is holding “not a fart, but a thing from which people are killed.”

The conflict in the store occurred earlier in the day. The victim Elena Kochetkova stated that in the store she had a conflict with a man who spoke loudly on the phone. She reprimanded him and then punched him in the head. Her husband stood up for her, then the conflict continued in the parking lot, where the doctor threatened her with a gun. She also noted that she received a head injury.

According to Bratslavsky, “he did not attack any woman, but her friend struck him several times.” As a result, the doctor was forced to flee because he feared for his life. As for the injuries that were diagnosed in the victim, Bratslavsky said that she could have been beaten by “her husband or lover,” while he is convinced that he himself became a victim of extortionists who decided to cash in on him when he saw that he arrived at the store in an expensive car …

At the same time, the store employee noted that the doctor “really beat the woman.”

On September 20, in Krasnogorsk near Moscow, local deputy Alexander Yasyuchenya started a fight and threatened a café visitor with a weapon. A Izvestia source said that the parties to the conflict were persons who could testify against the deputy.

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